Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Gooey carrots?

For the past 2+ months we've had a carrot problem in our house. The pre-cut carrots that we all know and love have been leaving us with a bad taste in our mouths. We've bought carrots from Aldi, Walmart, Pick N Save, and a few other grocery stores in the area and the majority have yielded the same result.

Inside the plastic bags I expect to find carrots and perhaps some water; but lately, we've found carrots, water, and "goo" of some sort. This is not a freak occurrence of one bag containing goo-covered carrots; this is my family repeatedly trying to buy "normal" carrots sans goo but then we get home and open the bag to repeatedly find goo. Granted...Sometimes there is more goo than others, but any unexplained goo is too much for my liking.

My mother emailed a carrot company to complain about the goo; she didn't receive any explanation, just four vouchers for free carrot bags. I've asked around and thus far I've been told that the goo is either a preservative, a mold, or a combination of both. I would love to hear the truth, even better I'd love to buy normal carrots once again.

In the mean time we'll be cutting up carrots sticks manually and/or putting out pre-cut carrots in a strainer and then rinsed prior to consumption.

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